Thursday 31 May 2012

MPFD – Cyberduck

Mac Programs For Designers post number 4 is on Cyberduck. Cyberduck is a free application that allows you to connect to FTP, SFTP, WebDav, Cloud Files, Google Docs, and Amazon S3. 

Cyberduck isn’t a program that helps you design, but it is a file transfer client that helps with transferring files between two computers and networks.
Cyberduck works by you opening up a connection, and typing in the correct information. And to make life easier Cyberduck allows you to add bookmarks, so you don’t have to keep retyping in the information. 

For a free application it is very good, and it compares well to paid programs. You can download Cyberduck here.
I used to use this program to upload my personal website, but I now just do that in Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver suits me because I just have the one website to upload.
I still keep the Cyberduck application because I like the rubber duck icon!

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