Saturday 27 August 2011

Surviving an All Nighter at University

Call me naïve, but this was something I never thought I would have to do. But during my second year of university I found myself  “pulling” all-nighters on campus, so here are my top tips for getting through:
(I feel my tips might be more aimed at females)
Staying awake; now I know loads of people will think I will now rave about energy drinks and lots and lots of coffee. But on my first all-nighter I did not consume any sort of caffeinated drink, and yet I was not as tired as I thought I would be. I think the reason for this is company; I was surrounded by friends also in the same boat as me, and when with friends time seems to flow by a lot nicer.   
On my second all-nighter I went down the energy drink road, and at first it was great, until I got the shakes, and the caffeine wore off and I came down to earth with a great big thud! 
So I think the first option is a lot better, but when on your tod; stock up on energy drinks! 

Breaks; It is important to have breaks at regular intervals because it is not a good idea to be staring at a computer screen for a long period of time. And also it will help to keep you focused, so even if it is a walk to the bathroom, or a walk outside to get a bit of fresh air; and the cold air will also help to wake you up! 

And obviously you need motivation, and you need to put the work in. But there will come a time you start feeling a tad dirty. So if you know you are going to be at university all night then take with you a toiletry bag, now you don’t want to pack it out too much, you just need the basics but the most import things are:
Toothbrush and tooth paste; a furry tongue doesn’t feel too good the next morning
Deodorant; for obvious reasons J
Now for the ladies: Spare pair of knickers, femfresh wipes would also be handy. Honestly when you make it to the morning and you start seeing people coming in to uni looking all fresh and well slept, you will feel disgusting.
Other bits and bobs you might consider taking with you: face wipes, makeup bag (but that is a whole different blog post!), hair brush/comb. 

Now the sky will be turning blue and the sun will be rising indicting you have survived, however when you then go home to sleep, don’t count on waking up for a while, and when you do wake up you won’t have a clue what day it is. And I would suggest keeping a bottle of water by your bed, you will have a very dry mouth if you sleep for a long while. 

The only way I can survive all night is at uni, there is no way I can do it while at home, because there is a big comfy bed in my room that will be calling out for me.  I rate anyone that can pull an all-nighter at home, comment below if you can. 

And post any tips and advice you may have for all of those that haven’t had to pull an all nighter!

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