Friday 18 May 2012

Book Review on: The Comic Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - A Beginners Guide [Kindle Edition]

I recently launched my multimedia portfolio website, and I thought I should look into SEO (Search Engine Optimisation). The first place I looked was on Amazon, as I have also recently purchased a Kindle, and I wanted a book I could read on the go. 

I came across “The Comic Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – A Beginners Guide” by Amit Bhawnani, which can be viewed here

When I purchased this book it was free, but it is now listed as £0.77 I am not really sure if I would pay for this, as the information in this book is available on the world wide web. But having all information in one document is really handy.

And as the title of the book states it is a guide for beginners. Now I wasn’t totally new to SEO a few years ago I looked into it, but I felt that I needed to brush up and to be reminded of search engine optimization tips and techniques.

The comic drawings were cute, and they always got across the point the author was trying to make, and it made things clearer. The information in the book was given to you in a straightforward manner.

I find the SEO checklist at the end of the book really useful, as I can then go through and highlight all those I have completed for my site.

As I work on my website, I will write a new post about the SEO techniques that I felt have helped the most.

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