Sunday 19 September 2010

"Design should never say, Look at me. It should always say, Look at this." David Craib

This is a follow up to my Clean and Simple Design post. From the start I was sure on the colour I wanted to use for my website design. I wanted something bright and eye catching, because of the aqua I used I decided to keep the rest of the colours neutral and low key to regain some balance. 
Typography is something I am really fond of; when I first started learning about it I wasn't too keen on it, but as a graphic designer I now know "Get the typography right and you are halfway there"
For my logo, I didn't need or want anything too fancy. So I simply wrote my name in one of my favourite fonts at the moment. I then followed my font through into my tag, which I will hopefully update as I become more advanced in other areas of design.

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