Saturday 12 October 2013

Birthday Tag

1. What month is your birthday? October.

2. How old are you turning? 25 (Quarter of a century!!)

3. What is your birthstone? I believe it is opal. But I will check... Yes it is opal. Wish it was turquoise though, as I love turquoise stones.

4. What was you’re favorite present that you’ve ever received? I have two, the first is my Tiffany's charm bracelet which I got on my eighteenth. And the second is a key pendant necklace, also from Tiffany's, and that was for my twenty-first birthday "She's got the key of the door.. she's 21 today!"

5. Are you/did you have a party this year? if so what are you doing? I'm not really having a party, as my father passed away 5 months ago, so this birthday will be the first without him. But my boyfriend is coming round to mine to meet my mum for the first time (!!) And for dinner and cake :)

6. How do you usually celebrate your birthday? I don't really like to be center of attention, so it's usually a family meal, with birthday cake for desert of course!

7. What was the most memorable birthday that you had? When I was younger, my family and I would always go on holiday over my birthday, so I have spent lots of birthdays abroad in Europe (mainly in Portugal area, and Spain). And on my birthday morning, there were always birthday cards pushed under the hotel room door for me :)  (My family used to give them to my parents before we flew out, and my parents made it look as though they had been push through the door).

8. If you had an unlimited amount of money what would you do for your birthday? Oooh fly myself, mum, and boyfriend somewhere nice and warm with golden beaches and clear blue sea.

9. What’s your birthday wish list? Nothing. And I mean absolutely nothing. There really isn't anything I really want this year. Apart from my mum liking my boyfriend haha.

10. Do you have any birthday traditions? To have cake! I haven't got a sweet tooth at all, but I do love birthday cake.

11. What’s your favorite thing about your birthday?
Hmmm.. cake.

12. What’s one thing that changed a lot since your last birthday?
Apart from the obvious fact that my dad is no longer here. My hair has changed a lot. Used to have a full fringe with long hair, and then the fringe was grown out but I kept my long hair. But now I have a bob hair cut.

13. Have you ever been thrown a surprise party or have you ever thrown one for someone?
No to both parts. I don't really like surprises, and if I were to throw a surprise party I don't think I would be able to keep it a surprise. For a shy person, I sometimes have quite a big mouth lol.

14. How old do you feel? Hmm, I have to say I still feel about 16 (is that awful?!) I do look really young so I think that is mainly why. Plus I am still a big kid at heart. 

I tag everyone to do this post on their birthday. (If / when you do comment below with a link to the post so I can be nosy) 

Caroline x

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