Sunday 20 May 2012

Kindle Touch

Well I finally got my Kindle Touch, originally I said I wasn’t going to buy this until I graduated but I only have a few weeks left, so I treated myself to it!

In this post I am not going to go rambling on about all the features of the kindle and so on, but I will just go over my experience (so far).

And I am ever so glad that I did buy it, I have always loved reading from a very young age but as university work started to take over my life I found I had less time to read. But since having the kindle I read every chance I get.

With my kindle touch I also purchased the leather cover with light, I was just going to get a normal flap cover but I would then need to buy a light to clip on, and I didn’t really want to do this. So I spent extra getting a cover with a built in light, and the great thing about it is that it runs of the kindle battery.  The link to the cover I purchased can be found here.

I bought the purple/red wine colour cover, but when I received it that was quite a few scratches on the back of it. At first I was just going to keep it back when I thought about how much money I had spent on it I decided it would be better to return it.

I spoke to Amazon through the online chat service, and they set up the exchange for me, and the new cover was delivered to me quite quickly and I sent the old one back to them.

Now because of the mishap with my first cover I am determined to keep this cover in immaculate condition, and because of that I bought a sock cover from and I use to protect the cover! But I only use the sock when I have my kindle in my handbag. The sock that I purchased can be found here.

It may seem a bit over the top but I would seriously freak if I damaged my kindle cover.
When I first got my kindle I love the fact that you can send documents to the kindle, this meant that I could send my lecture and revision notes to my kindle and read them on the way to uni. And it is really easy to send documents to the kindle as well; you just attach them to an email message and send them to the kindles email address.

The next thing I love about my kindle is that you can instantly look up the definition of a word, so there is no more skipping past words I don’t understand!

And I love all the free books you can get! There are loads, and there are some really good books to choose from, but what I have noticed is that some books don’t always remain free. So my advice would be to get them when you see them and not later.

To see the first kindle book I reviewed see here.

I do read most things; so if anyone has some recommendations, leave them below in the comments section. But the books that are on my wish list include: I Heart Hollywood by Lindsey Kelk, Anybody Out There by Marian Keyes, and The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. 

I can't wait to buy them! Can't begin to tell you how much of a book worm I am!


  1. Good for you, that you find that Kindle tablet with a good leather cover. You are now assured that it will last long because of your protective case. Sooner I will buy one too.

    1. Thanks, I know some cases are expensive, but I think it is worth it to protect your Kindle. Plus the built in light is a must have! Hope you find the perfect case for your Kindle :)



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