Thursday 24 May 2012

How To Annotate And Critique A Piece Of Work

Annotation is something I had to do through out my graphic design course at uni, and sometimes I would be left staring at a piece of art/design not knowing what to talk about. So I have put together a little list of things that should help.
Annotating/reviewing someone else’s work:
1.     What is being communicated? And how?
a.     How do they use text, media, materials, layout, content and text & image relationship to communicate their idea?
2.     Who is it aimed at?
a.     Age range, sex et cetera

Reviewing your own work:
1.     What am I trying to communicate?
2.     And how am I trying to achieve this through text, media, materials, layout, content and text & image relationship

Hope this helps! And I will post a more in-depth post about annotating soon

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