Monday 13 September 2010

My three habits I always do with a new job

These are my three habits that I always do when I get a new job

New clothes
I always wear new clothes on my first day at a new job. This isn't just an excuse for a shopping trip but my thinking behind it is "New clothes, new job, new start" meaning I can have a fresh start with people that don't know me yet and I can be the person I really want to be. And the new clothes help me think this ;)

Arrive early
This is a must for me, if I know I have like 10 minutes left to get to my work place even if I know I will make it, there is still a part of me that thinks, "What if I need just an extra couple of minutes?" This makes me panic, and then I will end up arriving for work in a rush and not in the right frame of mind.

Be prepared
If you don't know whether you will need something (like laptop, notebook, sketch book etc) pack it and take it anyway.

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