Saturday 30 June 2012

Storage Ideas For Your Laptop, Accessories And Computer Desk

This post is on storage ideas for your laptop, accessories, and your computer desk / work space area. As a computer loving person I have a lot of bits and pieces around my computer, and with out some storage my computer work space would be a complete mess! So this post is just going over storage I have, and things I would like to have.

1. Belkin Laptop Hide Away
This has to be my favourite piece, as it holds so much. I would highly recommend this to all laptop users. View my Review - Belkin Laptop Hide Away - Follow Up Of: Items I Have In My Workspace post for more information on it.

2. CD Storage Boxes
For storing the obvious! I have a couple of these stacked up on top of one another.

3. Plastic Baskets
I have a couple of plastic baskets laying around by my computer, mine are full with cables, computer cleaning items, extra pens, spare print ink cartridges.

4. Mdina Glass Pot
I use a glass pot I bought in Malta to store pens. Although I am always scared I will knock it over and break it!

5. Magazine Files
Mine seem to get filled up with a lot of junk and things I don't really need, but at least they keep everything neat.

(Not sure if the next item counts, but it does store my rubbish)
6. Ben The Bin
Love this. Makes life a lot easier, as you can just hang carrier bags on to it. It doesn't look too nice, as you can see the carrier bag with all the rubbish in it. But it serves its purpose.

(Not really storage, but I am adding it)
7. Mdina Glass Paper Weight

What I would like to buy are:
1. Muji Storage Draw
 I have wanted these for a while now, but have never got round to buying them. I love the look of them!
caroline ballard freelance graphic designer


  1. lol..nice idea..ill keep this in mind

  2. A nice storage for our laptop is really needed like other protective casing. This will ensure the good safety and condition of our laptop when not in use. As a laptop owner we should know what laptop accessories to consider for our gadget. This will ensure a more functional and long lasting gadget.

  3. this site makes me amaze

  4. This post is on ideas to store your laptop and accessories, and the Office of your computer workspace /. Computer as a loving person I have a lot of computer bits and pieces all over, and with some practical computer storage space would be a complete mess! So this post is going only store I have, and things I would like to be.

    Laptop & Desktop Accessories

  5. Cool accessories! I love it. I am also planning to buy something like that. Thanks for sharing.

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